Saturday, August 4, 2018

I will provide you a list of 10 matched jobs, per your preferences. Also includes the Basic package.

I will provide you a list of 10 matched jobs, per your preferences. Also includes the Basic package.


Are you looking for that perfect job in that perfect field? Or maybe it's an internship. But, you're too busy to look or you're overwhelmed and alone, and wish you had another pair of eyes looking?

Well, look no further. Help is here! 

To ensure you satisfaction, I will also ask for your feedback and make revisions as desired.


hhdg1515:Brilliant work! I was just in need of this type of help from a certain person for a certain industry guidance. great quality is the shining point. After having the resume revision, I got noticed by HR very quickly, and then got interviewed twice within a week! I am so excited to wait for the updates from companies I got interviewed. Smart!

workingmumkitty:Thanks for your help

hhdg1515:Brilliant work! I was just in need of this type of help from a certain person for a certain industry guidance. great quality is the shining point. After having the resume revision, I got noticed by HR very quickly, and then got interviewed twice within a week! I am so excited to wait for the updates from companies I got interviewed. Smart!

workingmumkitty:Thanks for your help


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