Monday, August 27, 2018

I will write resume,cover letter and linkedin profile

I will write resume,cover letter and linkedin profile


As an HR professional with a rich experience in recruitment, resume writing and employee retention, I know how best to structure your resume/CV to gain attention, land interviews or get promotion. 


  • A professional resume that will have a catchy career summary that will highlight your vital experiences, key strengths, and skills which will attract the attention of recruiters/employers. 
  • Achievement based resume.: To position, you, as a result, orientated individual with the experiences and ability to add value to organizations.  
  • ATS compliant resumes: Optimized and tailored to match your job interests using relevant keywords. 
  • LinkedIn writing, rewriting and optimization: Will have an optimized headline, well-written summary, and job descriptions as well as a matching skills section. With the profile, you will rank high during searches, apply for jobs using the profile and get leads from headhunters. 
  • Cover Letter: Generic or tailored to a job description and will summarize your experiences, skills, and abilities as well as how they can be beneficial to prospective employers. 

Feel free to send a PM.


sramanaaiift:Wanted 12 templates for cv. 1st Delivery: Straight from Cava. 2nd Delivery: Random CVs with no format, alignment. 3rd Delivery : Some pdf downloaded from internet and converted into docs\n\nThe request was own design. Which was no where to be seen.

johnloren66:This was my worst experience in life. this buyer has teased me most. I request other sellers not to work with this buyer. I have fulfilled all the requirements of the buyer but he gave me 3 stars.

nadeem0099:John did an excellent job in a very short time for a fantastic rate. Will definitely use him again and strongly recommend his work.

johnloren66:In my whole experience, Nadeem is a nice person.I have enjoyed with him. He helps me a lot during the project.\r\nI prefer to work with him again.\r\nThanks again

sramanaaiift:Wanted 12 templates for cv. 1st Delivery: Straight from Cava. 2nd Delivery: Random CVs with no format, alignment. 3rd Delivery : Some pdf downloaded from internet and converted into docs\n\nThe request was own design. Which was no where to be seen.

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