Tuesday, August 28, 2018

I will provide a critique of your resume and cover letter.

I will provide a critique of your resume and cover letter.



I have always been a skilled writer, and have used my skills in order to receive interviews for jobs I had no reason to even apply to, primarily because of a strong resume. I'm here to help you achieve the same, but unlike others who simply write a resume and/or cover letter for you, I'd prefer to teach you the skill of writing your own resume. As the saying goes, "give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day, but teach a man to fish, and he'll never go hungry again." 

When you purchase a critique, you'll be required to send a copy of your resume and cover letter to me, in a digital format. After I receive these copies I will review both and provide an analysis that explains the strong points of your resume, the weak points, and provides suggestions on how to improve the resume as a whole. With this information you should be able to make a new resume and compare it with the old, in order to understand how to generate quality resumes and cover letters without the assistance of others. 







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