Monday, August 27, 2018

I will career coach assistance with job hunting and planning

I will career coach assistance with job hunting and planning


Job hunting and job transition can be taxing and mentally draining. What I offer to you is expertise and help along the way. If you've been applying and haven't received a call for an interview, we can review and assess your cover letter, resume, and LinkedIn profile. I will provide step-by-step instructions on what needs to be done to get your resume picked up by recruiters and get your LinkedIn noticed.

Let's say you've gotten the call for an interview, congratulations!!! You've gotten through the initial application process but now you will need to ace the interview. Nerves can sometimes get the best of us, I've seen it happen many times. A strong mock interview will prepare you for those tough one-on-one or panel interviews. Confidence comes when you take advantage of constant repetition to win over interviewers. We will discuss the DO'S and DONT'S.

The premium package offers basic, standard, and special circumstances. Have you been out of work due to health issues, maternity leave, or any other life events, then this is the package for you. It provides a strong resume and online presence, interview preparation, and continuous support to sell yourself to an organization.







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