Sunday, July 1, 2018

I will provide career advice and coaching for a week

I will provide career advice and coaching for a week


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Coaching from a UK director who changed career 10 years ago from the British Army into Finance.

I've been successful in climbing the career ladder, starting from the bottom after a career change and want to pass on what I've learned with tips on how to achieve your goals in a relatively short space of time, a lot of it is to do with mindset and it isn't a shortcut. You do have to work hard to get to where you want to be but there are ways to ensure the effort you put in is focussed and directed in the desired direction, rather than wasting your energy on things that do not take you closer to your goals.

Whilst I've been successful and have had various "mentors" during my career, I wish I had someone who knows what I do now to lean on and use as a guided sound board at the early stages of my career.

If you like the sound of this please order one of the options on offer and I'll be in touch to get things started.







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