Sunday, July 29, 2018

I will teach you how to succeed as a freelancer

I will teach you how to succeed as a freelancer


Fiverr-Verified PRO Top Rated Seller with 8000+ satisfied customers!


Are you looking to get started in freelance work but don't know what to do? Is your business established but you're not getting the volume of sales that you're looking for?

I quickly rose through the Fiverr ranks to become a successful Top Rated Seller and I have put together a 20-point career advice guide to help you reach your full potential. You'll learn:

-how to analyze markets, competition, and talent
-how to set important buyer limits
-the importance of a revision policy
-how to organize orders
-what communication strategy results in high sale conversions
... and lots more!

Jump-start your freelance career with helpful, insightful career advice aimed at freelancers from a TRS for only $5!

Add on the advising gig extras for specific answers to questions and personalized feedback to lead your business in the right direction! I want to help you succeed!

Carrie :)

**The content is NOT available for resale and you do NOT own the rights

**Of course, I CANNOT promise any sales. You are in charge of your own success


words_can_sell:Once again, I am highly impressed with the quality of Carrie's service - it is difficult to recommend her strongly enough!

carrieblogger:Eager to improve and realistic about the process. Good luck!

words_can_sell:This is the second time I've worked with Carrie - safe to say that it will not be the last! She communicates clearly and coherently and provides valuable insights by leveraging the full strength of her experience as one of fiverr's leading freelancers... Highly recommended!

carrieblogger:Promising up-and-coming freelancer who is interested in listening and learning - a joy to advise! Good luck!

preciseportions:Creates a road map of all the facets to be considered to proceed.

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