Sunday, July 29, 2018

I will update, reformat your RESUME so it will stand out from the crowd and be noticed. + See More

I will update, reformat your RESUME so it will stand out from the crowd and be noticed. + See More


My RESUMEs get interviews!

It will feature a personal profile that connects you with your prospective employer. You will get a professional RESUME or resume that highlights your strengths in the most effective way

I know what employers want.
It's essential to have a RESUME that stands out as in today's job market. Recruiters have to sift through hundreds of RESUMEs so there are no second chances. Your RESUME has to score first time or it will head straight for the bin.

A RESUME from me will:
- Be written by me and me alone, a RESUME specialist and ex-recruitment consultant.
- Be written from scratch (no templates).
- Your RESUME is optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems so will be found on recruiter searches.
- Be structured professionally.
- Feature a powerful and factual personal profile that is based on you and you alone.
- Promote your key skills in the most effective way possible.
- Be written in a clear and compelling way that engages your reader
- Be delivered in Word format.

Should you not be completely happy, I will revise your RESUME until you are.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Hoping to hear from you soon.




seogents:This was a great experience. She provided an excellent service and quality product. I was happy with the results. I will happily recommend her and use her services again!

careersuccor_a:Thank you for using my services. Looking forward to working with you again soon.

seogents:This was a great experience. She provided an excellent service and quality product. I was happy with the results. I will happily recommend her and use her services again!

careersuccor_a:Thank you for using my services. Looking forward to working with you again soon.


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