Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I will write a cover letter, personal statement or resume

I will write a cover letter, personal statement or resume


Our team of specialists focuses on resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, corporate bios, and personal statements. We work with interesting, talented, and successful executives worldwide to equip them with the tools they need to advance in the modern job market. 

We have written hundreds of resumes and cover letters for global clients across many industries including law, marketing, finance, entertainment, and healthcare. Technology clients range from CTO and CIO level, entrepreneurs and founders, product managers, data scientists, software engineers, project managers, infosec, testers, and more.

This means we have deep knowledge of the resume's intended audience.

We know how the mind of a recruiter functions - why they stop reading a cover letter or resume, what gets their interest, etc. - and we leverage that expertise when writing for our clients.







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