Friday, June 29, 2018

I will be available to answer questions.

I will be available to answer questions.


js-gig-main-desc ">HR Professional Ready to Help You Seal the Deal and Get the Salary You Deserve!

You've gotten an offer, but it wasn't what you had hoped.  Now what?  I'm a current HR professional with 5+ years of experience negotiating salaries, and providing customized career coaching.  Make sure you get the compensation you deserve, by having the resources to support you during your salary negotiation.  

Our packages include:

  • 'Gather Your Talking Points' - We will provide you with 1-page of customized talking points to prepare for your next salary negotiation conversation. 
  • 'Follow Through' - We will provide you with 1-page of customized talking points, as well as a follow-up letter for your salary negotiation.  
  • 'Custom Coaching' - We will provide you with talking points, a follow-up letter, and be available for a custom 15-minute coaching conversation, as you navigate your salary negotiation. 

ORDER NOW to take your negotiation skills to the next level!

Contact us if none of our packages meet your needs, we are ready to help you land your dream opportunity. 







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