Friday, June 29, 2018

I will give you the best career advice you need

I will give you the best career advice you need


js-gig-main-desc ">Hi there.

The way it works is: You send me your resume and a bio introducing you and what you truly enjoy (passions, hobbies, etc). A financial and background would be useful as well.

I'll look it over and write back some helpful and bluntly honest tips / ideas / strategies to help you move in the direction you are hopeful for. You may even get some new ideas that you haven't really thought about before.

If I truly feel like I cant give you any helpful advice for any reason- I will of course refund your money. I also put 1 revision allowed on the basic package in case you have any questions about something I've said. 

Looking forward to helping some of you out. 








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