Friday, June 29, 2018

I will provide career development coaching

I will provide career development coaching


js-gig-main-desc ">We all need help, mentors, and guidance for our career development to achieve the levels we desire throughout our career. In this engagement, I will act as an advisor, mentor, and teacher helping you attain the goals that you desire for your career. 

  1. Roadmap 101: Review of the current state of career vs the desired state and identifying gaps. This is essentially creating a roadmap of where you are today vs future state. This also includes a know thy self-session where we level set with your path and discover what makes you who you are.
  2. Strategy: Mitigation through strategy sessions of the gaps identifying the areas of the future state vs current in the Roadmap 101. We talk about areas of focus and why we have the gaps that we do.
  3. Implementation: Implementation advisory support for the Strategy work.  In this program, we start the work to bridge you to your future state keeping the focus on the end goal. This could include long-term mentorship alignment, personal development, or other support activities.  







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