Thursday, June 28, 2018

I will cater to your needs and meet your requirements

I will cater to your needs and meet your requirements


js-gig-main-desc ">Service 1 - CV Writing;
I will be designing and writing out your CV to highlight key points & skills. This increases the likelihood of employers reading through your CV and contacting you. A brief consultation via email, or over the phone will give myself the best insight into what should be highlighted on your CV.

Along with this I will be applying for the jobs on your behalf. The consultation will also include me asking what type of jobs are your preference going forward.

Service 2 - Copywriting; 
This service increases customer engagement, which in turn helps increase sales for your business. This will help towards any annual targets and goals for your business. This may be discussed in our consultation also.

Service 3 - Motivational Content;
Whether its quotes online, or book recommendations. Any methods of motivation I can use to meet your requirements, I will ensure I go above & beyond to do so. 







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