Friday, June 29, 2018

I will 360 degrees of career coaching

I will 360 degrees of career coaching


js-gig-main-desc ">Apply. Wait. Repeat.
Apply. Wait. Repeat.
Get random email telling you that you are great but not great enough..
Apply some more...wait.. repeat.

We all have been there. My team and I will help you get past these roadblocks. Maybe you have been out of the job for a bit? Maybe you are looking to make a career change? I have- I thought I wanted to be a lawyer one time.

Finding a full time job IS a full time job- and if you are not adequately prepared or have a game plan you can end up in the same depressing spiral. There are jobs out there. YOUR job is out there. You just need some help finding it. 

Lets skip the BS sales talk where I promise you all the money and rainbows I will bring to you. I won't. But what my team and I  will do is give you all the tools you need to be prepared for your next job interview. Resume review, Linkedin updating and tips, Job search tips, interview prep and even salary negotiations. The whole cycle to help you go from having a job- to having a career. 







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